Ready to become a member?
Are you eligible? Maybe you just returned from flying missions over as part of Operation Southern and Northern Watch. Perhaps you did a stint in Bosnia or completed a tour in Korea. Maybe you saw service during missions in Somalia, Haiti or Rwanda in 1994. In any case, your Korea duty or overseas campaign medal makes you eligible for the VFW.
Who can join?
Veterans who served overseas in Foreign Wars, Expeditionary Campaigns, Occupation Duty or served in Korea anytime.
If you have earned one of these, then you can join: Qualifying Campaigns, Ribbons or Medals Expeditionary Spanish Campaign Army of Cuban Occupation Army of Puerto Rican Occupation Philippine Campaign China Campaign Army of Cuban Pacification Cuban Pacification Mexican Service First Nicaraguan Campaign Haitian Campaign Dominican Campaign World War I Victory Army of Occupation of Germany Second Nicaraguan Campaign Yangtze Service China Service American Defense Service American Campaign Asiatic-Pacific Campaign European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Army of Occupation Navy Occupation Korean Service Medal Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Navy and Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal Vietnam Service Medal Southwest Asia Service Medal Service on the Korean Penninsula (30 Consecutive Days) Kosovo Eligiblity Combat Action Ribbon Combat Infantry Badge Combat Medical Badge
We know what it’s like to be far from home serving your country. WE’VE BEEN IN YOUR BOOTS. To make sure you receive the recognition and support you deserve, we fight in Washington to protect your rights and work hard on the local level to make your tours easier. Some of VFW’s more recent assistance includes:
- AFEM for troops in Bosnia.
- Hardship pay for Joint Task Force Full Accounting personnel.
- 100,000 care packages worth more than $1 million to troops overseas during the Gulf War.
- Pre-paid telephone cards to active duty troops and hospitalized veterans via VFW’s Operation Uplink.
Membership Application
For membership applications, see Quartermaster at VFW Post 6435. A copy of DD214 is required.